Van Tuijl Holland Horses scouts young horses and ponies fit for sport requirements for ‘Brightwells Stars of the Future sales in England. This well-known auction for young horses fit for dressage and Show Jumping purposes, is organised by Richard Botterill in Addington (UK) twice a year.
On average, sixty horses from Holland attend this auction under the supervision of Jan and Daniëlla. If you are interested, you can submit your own talented horse or pony to the pre-selections when they fulfil the following criteria:
Show Jumping purposes: 2/3/4/5 or 6 years of age.
Dressage purposes: 2/3/4 or 5 years of age.
Eventing purposes 3/4/5 or 6 years of age
Show Jumping and Dressage purposes: 3 or 4 years of age.
Criteria for all submissions:
Horses and ponies have to be approved medically, which means clinically and according to the X-Rays standards.
For more information about the selection procedure for Brightwells, you are invited to contact Jan and Daniëlla. You can find more specific information about Brightwells on: On this website, you will also find the auction catalogue.